Tuesday, June 3, 2014



Paunchy male heroes with average incomes rarely happen in romance novels. But when one John Hall happened in 'Just Another Day at the Office', falling in love with this portly guy holding a mid-level management job, is very very possible.

Author Hedonist Six classified her novel as erotica/FFA romance. Oh yeah, there was sex, but they were not overkill. 

The heady experience from reading their intimate scenes comes from the author's crafty characterization of the two leads. An attractive, aggressive, sexy heroine who's comfortable with her sexuality. A good-looking overweight hero who's a great turn-on because despite his insecurity, he's a normal male - - gentle, sensitive, can pack a mean punch, a peeping-tom, and enjoys sex time with his lady love.

The sexual tension between them is always there, thanks to the carefully contrived incidents in the office and their homes.

This book's more of a 'fluttering' romance for me. 


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